Sunday, July 22, 2012

Inspirational People

If you check how these people handle their lives, you will be inspired. This is exactly what I call "Faith in Humanity Restored".

Meet Oscar Pistorius, the South African sprinter, the fastest runner in the world WITHOUT LEGS. Nicknamed "Blade Runner", he will join 2012 London Olympics, for the NORMAL PEOPLE. The International Olympics Committee did a very unpopular decision that he could not join the Olympics because his "unfair advantage". Thank god the decision was revoked.

Abigail and Brittany Hensel are a pair of conjoint twins. They are the only case of surviving dicephalic parapagus twins, which means they are sharing the same body but have 2 heads. But they overcame all the difficulties in their lives and managed to get a normal life. The passed their driving license tests (twice), graduated from high school, went to Bethel University, Minnesota in 2008, and have been studying since then.

Ben Underwood was a blind teenager from Sacramento, California. His real eyes were removed since 3. But he learned by himself the extraordinary ability to identify the nearby objects by a skill called echolocation, same as bats and dolphins. Less than 10 blind people in human history ever had this ability. Unfortunately he died in 2009 because of the same type of cancer which took his eyes. RIP, the daredevil boy. 

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